Sunday, December 30, 2012
Dance Again!!
You guys know that I love to dance!! I've made dances up to every new song on my Ipod. I've worked super hard on dance class moves and do tap steps in the school hallway, grocery stores, or anywhere else I can! I do hiphop moves for my friends and practice the splits!! I try very hard! Dance class is going to start up again from it's Christmas Break and I can't wait! I'm going to SCREAM if it doesn't start soon!!
Song of the Week
Song of the week is Call Me Maybe by: Carly Rae Jepsen! I love that song and it's AWESOME!!!
Star of the Week
Family Member of the Week
Family member of the week is my cousin B.J.(left)! I love him and he's AWESOME!! He funny, cool and sweet go B.J.!!
Follower of the Week
Follower of the week is..... Brandi Whitaker!! She just joined and she deserves it!!!
Follower Update
I made it to 8 followers thanks to Brandi for joining! I've been waiting for another follower and I'm glad I have eight! Go Brandi!!!! Thank You!!
2013 here we come~~~ GOODBYE 2012!
The new year is almost here! I'm going to miss 2012 but at the same time, excited to start FRESH again!!! We are having a party on New year's eve and some of my friends are sleeping over! I made a New year's BINGO game to play and had everyone vote on movies! Best luck to you and in the New year!!!!! So glad it's here but sad to say goodbye! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
Slumber Party Sleepover
This weekend I want to my friend's house for her birthday party! First, we went to the pool with two more of her friends.! At the pool we went down the slide, played Marco polo and Categories. We also lost my friend's goggles so we had to find them(they were clear colored so it was hard). Turns out they were in the bubbly water by the slide. The lifeguard let us go get them really fast. After we swam we went into the locker room to take showers. We had a BLAST in there because we had some troubles unlocking our lockers. Plus, we were in the shower all at the same time so that didn't work out very well because the shower was super SMALL! After we were dressed and ready to go we went to LaRosa'a to eat dinner! I had cherry vanilla coke with plain spaghetti and a meatball. We eventually got home to her Aunt's house (which was where we were sleeping) and played Just Dance, had a dance compettetion and did makeovers until 1:00 in the morning. We did our hair cute for bed, texted and facetimed each other for fun, and got into our pjs for bedtime! In the morning we had to get up super early for my friend's doctor appointment at 9:00. We got up at 8:00 and got ready! We were out the door by 8:30! When we got there I stayed in the lobby and watched T.V. while she got checked. After that we went to her house and ate scrambled eggs and then played the game Mall Madness. Eventually, I had to go home and that morning I got my glasses. I was so excited and now I can see so much better!! I had so much fun this weekend! Back to school on Thrusday:(:(:(! Happy New Year!!
Monday, December 24, 2012
My Two (stinky) cousins
My cousin Chris and B.J. are so gross!!! They "explained" to me why they didn't won't to follow! Well when I asked why, I got a stinky answer. I'm not going to tell you what kind of answer it was but you know what I mean and it made a "Pleasant" smell in the house this Christmas Eve!! Merry Christmas!!!
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Merry Christmas

Saturday, December 22, 2012
Song Of The Week
Song Of The Week is "HOME" by: Phillip Phillips! He's number 7 on the charts! I love this song too.
Family Member Of The Week~12-23-12
Family Member of the week is my Uncle Alex! He's awesome and I love him! He's so FUNNY and he makes things FUN!!!!
Her and Her Horse
Olivia has a fake horse on wheels named Samsin!! She feeds it, rides it and pretends it's real. She wishes that he was real, and she acts like he is. She begged to make a post about her and her horse. Here are some pictures of her and Samsin!! Enjoy!
See the Resemblance?
So, my sister, Olivia, made art in her class. So she told me it was a cut-out drawing of her! So I thought to post about it. My sister looks exactly like the art doesn't she? Haha!!! Even the eyes look as crazy as hers. The hair looks good to. Great Job Sis!!!
Friday, December 21, 2012
Star Of The Week~~12-23-12
Tom Hanks is Star Of The Week! He stars in a lot of movies that I've watched and many classics too. For Example, he is in "Big" (I love that movie), "Polar Express"(A Christmas Classic) and "Turner and Hooch"(Very good). He's in a lot more too. Tom Hanks is one of my favorite actors just like Tim Allen! He is good at cartoon voices and being funny characters!
Yep. Today I went to the EYE DOCTOR terrified that I needed glasses! It was time for my appointment, so I ( went in with her (the Doctor) and she checked my color then, we went into a difrent room and she checked my VISION! When she was done she told me that I needed glasses. Sure it was shocking at the moment, but now I realize its not so bad! Of course until, She said that I had to get them dialated! I started to get super scared and worried but it realy wasn't that bad, but me tearing up from the drops wasn't that good. So I went out to find glasses. I tried on a lot of diffrent styles. My sister also had to get them. So anyway, I tried around 5 or 6 pairs but it came down to 3! Two pairs were purple one pair was blue with brown lenses.I chose they ones with blue and brown lenses (I'll put a pic on when they come in). So they come in, in about two weeks. I can't wait and I'm so excited! It's really cool being able to get glasses and finding diffrent pairs that look totlay diffrent on you then any others. It's not too bad having to get them, after I realized how many people have them like my Grandparents, friends and teachers! Hey even my sister(now) and my parents! Go four-eyesers!!!! I can't wait!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Holiday Wear
Today was snowmen day at school, for holiday spirit week, and I dressed up! This is what I wore:
1. A snowmen sweatshirt with holiday buttons
2. Shorts with white leggings
3.A white hat with a black stripe
4. A black belt with the sweatshirt
5. boots
I won with votes from my class, but I already won yesterday for reindeer day so I couldn't go up again but I was very excited to win again!!!!
This is what I wore for reindeer day:
1. A green and gray striped shirt with a star
2. Reindeer ears (antlers)
3.Black leggings
4. Boots
5. A blinking Rudolph nose
Here's a picture of what I wore on Snowman day!
1. A snowmen sweatshirt with holiday buttons
2. Shorts with white leggings
3.A white hat with a black stripe
4. A black belt with the sweatshirt
5. boots
I won with votes from my class, but I already won yesterday for reindeer day so I couldn't go up again but I was very excited to win again!!!!
This is what I wore for reindeer day:
1. A green and gray striped shirt with a star
2. Reindeer ears (antlers)
3.Black leggings
4. Boots
5. A blinking Rudolph nose
Here's a picture of what I wore on Snowman day!
guess what moment,
Loghan's life,
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Our deadline is coming up for Logh-A-Brit's Blankets! The date is supposed to be December 19th! Hopfully we can deliver them on that day! Our goal is 50 but we have 30-40 made which should be okay since we worked a whole two years! I am so proud of us and so thankful for everyone who helped! We haven't decided on our next project yet, but when we decide I'll tell you right away! I'm hoping to deliver the blankets BEFORE Christmas so hopfully it works out! Thanks for all your support!
Song Of The Week
Music Topic: Country
Artist: Taylor Swift
Website found: itunes
Song: I knew you were trouble
This song was #1 in:
1. United States
2. United Kingdom
4. Canada
6. Finland
7. Ireland
8. Netherlands
9.New Zealand
11. Sweden
Artist: Taylor Swift
Website found: itunes
Song: I knew you were trouble
This song was #1 in:
1. United States
2. United Kingdom
4. Canada
6. Finland
7. Ireland
8. Netherlands
9.New Zealand
11. Sweden
I Triple Dog Dare You
So, in this picture a couple years ago we "pretended" that we got stuck on the pole like in Christmas story! We would watch that movie every year and that was always my favorite part!
I glad the pole wasn't that cold because then we could actually get stuck on it! Phew!
I glad the pole wasn't that cold because then we could actually get stuck on it! Phew!
Family Member Of The Week
Star Of The Week
Friday, December 14, 2012
Oh Mr. Grinch
You furry green thing
You take my spirits away
Although, I like you I have to say!
Mr. Grinch you've got character for Christmas Day
You furry green thing
You take my spirits away
Although, I like you I have to say!
Mr. Grinch you've got character for Christmas Day
Holiday Spirit Week
Starting Monday, it is holiday spirit week at school! We dress up as the topic for the day and the class chooses winners to go up to the office and get their pictures taken for the yearbook.
Monday- Reindeer Day
Tuesday-Snowman Day
Wednesday- Candycane Day
Thursday- Polar Express day (wear p.js) and holiday party (we get to watch the polar express)
Monday- Reindeer Day
Tuesday-Snowman Day
Wednesday- Candycane Day
Thursday- Polar Express day (wear p.js) and holiday party (we get to watch the polar express)
Sunday, December 9, 2012
My Christmas collage
Christmas time is so wonderful!!! All these pictures remind of Christmas in a small way! Like "Merry Christmas" written 20 times, or pictures by the Christmas Tree or even a simple Santa hat reminds of Christmas! Characters from movies get me into the spirit and they make me wonder on how all the magic of Christmas works! Trees and sleighs remind me of Winter and being cold, which always brings me back to Christmas! I love Christmas and New Years and anything leading up to Christmas like going down town or seeing Santa Claus at the mall! I also enjoy putting up the decorations and writing letters to Santa! Merry Christmas!!!
Star Of The Week
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
One O' One
Today I got 101 posts accomplished yay!!!!!!! I'm going for 200!!! I also want 50 followers by December of next year so tell you friends and be sure to comment DAILY! I usally post everyday after school aroung 4:00 or 5:00!!! THANKS!!!!
On the 11th Day of Christmas My True Love Gave To Me No More Days Of School
Only 11 more days of school until Christmas BREAK!!!!! I'm so excited for Christmas and New years! I can't beleive it's almost here!!!! I've been counting down since October!!! Only 11 more days Loghan You can do it!!!
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
From The Midnight Sky
On Christmas Eve, You fly high
With all the kids sleeping near by
The packages filled with jolly toys
Hoping when you deliver them you won't make noise
When your done you give us a kiss
You smile and wave as you give us our gift
You go up the chimney with a wink of your eye
Your suit is so red as you fly by
Wishing us a Merry Christmas and all a Good Night
flying into the midnight sky
With all the kids sleeping near by
The packages filled with jolly toys
Hoping when you deliver them you won't make noise
When your done you give us a kiss
You smile and wave as you give us our gift
You go up the chimney with a wink of your eye
Your suit is so red as you fly by
Wishing us a Merry Christmas and all a Good Night
flying into the midnight sky
Monday, December 3, 2012
1st Annual Christmas Awards
Show your spirit! Each time you do a caring act you could win an award! Each time you give,share,care you with get the Nice,share or care award!If your very spirited you could earn the Holly,Jolly award! If you earn all the awards you will get the Santa Award! Once you earn the Santa Award if you keep commenting you will earn the Claus Award! Here's how it works: Comment under this post like this! Example:
Title: Nice Award
Name: Loggie (make sure it's your follower name)
Act: I gave a compliment to my friend at school
When: December 3, 2012
1. Under title put the award you want to get
2.By your name put your follower name
3. By act put what you did
4.By when you put the date
I will read the comments and decide if you are good enough to earn it! Check the posts
everyday to see if you've earned a badge! You are then put up for Santa and Claus awards! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Title: Nice Award
Name: Loggie (make sure it's your follower name)
Act: I gave a compliment to my friend at school
When: December 3, 2012
1. Under title put the award you want to get
2.By your name put your follower name
3. By act put what you did
4.By when you put the date
I will read the comments and decide if you are good enough to earn it! Check the posts
everyday to see if you've earned a badge! You are then put up for Santa and Claus awards! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Follower Update
Today I got a new Follower! I'm now on 7! Can you guess who it is? It's Aaron, my uncle! Aaron is also follower of the week! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Downtown Christmas
Yesterday, we went downtown to see Santa repell on Fountain Square that started a 6:30. We got there around 4:30 which gave us time to shop, see santa and write letters to Santa. When the clock turned to 6:00 we rushed outside to get a good spot. We got a really good spot right in front. When he repelled with his elf and reindeer it was amazing! They did tons of tricks and jumps. After he repelled they shot fireworks that were really loud. Right when the repelling was done we ran across the street in to the store(Which they had the front door closed up so we had to go around) to get a good spot at Mrs. Claus' Meet and greet storytime. We got balloons too. I got a crazy twisty hat that was a 2 foot tall candycane. So if I was lost it would be really easy to find me! We got a front row seat and waited for Mrs. Claus to come! When she got their she read "Yes, Virginia there's is a Santa Claus" and the classic "The Night Before Christmas." I had tons of FUN! Plus, we "Convinced" my Mom to buy us cute sweater dresses for Christmas. Then we went out to eat and My sister and I went to my Grandma's and put up the tree! So much FUN!!!!!!!! Right now, I have to go home to finish putting the ornaments on the tree and we have to clean up the house. BYE!!!!
Friday, November 30, 2012
My Horse, Dog, ANIMAL
My Sister Olivia always acts like an animal and you know sometimes it does get annoying but she's really good at it. She acts like a horse and a dog everyday! She runs perfecly when it comes to dogs, Her barks are amazing and whines terrific. When it comes to horse she can "Nay" really well and she sets up her own jumping rings sometimes. Usally when she not acting like an animal she's playing with one! I'd walk into her room, She'd be playing with her plastic animals (She's has a major amount of them too) or stuffed dogs or playing on her fake horse that's rides around the house! Yep, She's My Little Animal!
There You Sit
There you sit once more, again
You watch us every minute
You keep it in your mind until you can submit it
You send mind messages and answer my questions
Then I come home from school, there you sit
Frozen just like before
Your tiny and sweet and that's okay
but still, there you sit everyday
To My Elf on The Shelf: Buddy Claus
You watch us every minute
You keep it in your mind until you can submit it
You send mind messages and answer my questions
Then I come home from school, there you sit
Frozen just like before
Your tiny and sweet and that's okay
but still, there you sit everyday
To My Elf on The Shelf: Buddy Claus
Family Member Of The Week
Star Of The Week
Star Of The Week goes to......... Bonnie the elf from! She's Awesome I love her you can chat with her, check her profile in the elf clubhouse and play games with her! She's an AWESOME ELF!
Dead Sea Scrolls
This Tuesday we went to the exhibit at the museum called "Dead Sea Scrolls." It was AWESOME! I learned a lot I even made a report and powerpoint for my class. You should Go!
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Holiday Trains
On saturday we went to the holiday trains with our family. I looked at the trains with my little cousin and his baby brother. We had fun! After that we went out to eat and laughed and played! Every year we go to the trains and it's so much fun!
Star Of The Week
Star of the week goes to...........Nester the Christmas donkey! He's my favorite donkey! He has floppy ears and it makes him cute! Yay Nester!
Does Your House Look Like This During The Holidays?
What's your house like during the holidays? Mine is nuts. Boxes are everywhere, 10 foot tree in the house, fake tree upstairs, button trees, mini trees too. We have more decorations than you could ever imagine. We have a Griswold family christmas tree downstairs and a 2 little ones in our rooms then we have a fake tree on the main flooor with a medium sized dining room tree too. We also have cloth button ones we decorate too. Our house is nuts.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Making our goals
We just had a meeting for Logh-A-Brit's on October 27,2012. We made some new things to make our expierence more memorable. On our last meeting we had extra felt so we decided to make a "Progress Felt Book." What is this? You may ask. Well it basically is peices of felt stapled together and has one page written in it. This helps us keep track of what we did that day it's kind of like a diary where we write what we did. Our goal by December 16, 2012 is to have 50 blankets made we will deliver them around that time for christmas. We tied the blankets to look like christmas presents. Took pictures to put in my scrapbook and make a new box and decorated it. That's the news on Logh-A-Brit's.
Star Of The Week
Star Of The Week goes to........... The Grinch! I thought I'd make the grinch star of the week because it getting toward christmas and my recital is grinch themed. Go Grinch!
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